The Marrs & Henry Law Blog provides informative updates about timely and industry related subject matters.
Federal Courts Move to Slow Litigation Expense
For several decades, the pre-trial investigation process known as “discovery” has been governed by an open-ended standard, designed to assure that all parties had full and fair opportunity to sift through all the evidence and make their own determinations as to what mattered and what didn’t. Discovery has historically not been limited by what might
Read MoreRunning Your Own Business Means Expect the Unexpected
If you haven’t heard our newest WRVA radio ad, take a listen to the audio file! It’s too true that when many people first run into a serious legal problem, they truly don’t know where to turn. We hope you’ll help us to help them! And of course, whenever you find yourself in one of
Read MoreMedical Balance Billing: Different Tests For Different Contexts
Those clients who work with us on improving their rate of realization on worker’s compensation billings know that Virginia statute prohibits invoicing a patient with an awarded, work-related injury for any portion of his account for medical services provided. In worker’s compensation, medical providers must channel claims through the administrative process, seeking payment only from
Read MoreBusiness to Business Connections: Tell A Friend!
We’re trying something new – or at least, new for us – at Marrs & Henry. If you haven’t heard our current WRVA radio ad, take a listen to the audio file! We are indeed at that time of year when many small business owners look over their books and realize that there are problematic
Read MoreCan Your Lawyer Just Quit On You?
Dave Albo of Fairfax wears two hats. He is a state delegate from Fairfax, with enough tenure accumulated to have become Chairman of the House’s powerful Courts of Justice Committee. He is also a highly successful lawyer in the Northern Virginia region. And, in the interest of full disclosure, he is also my personal friend
Read MoreVirginia Still a Bastion of “At Will” Employment
Stories of lawsuits challenging firings lead many employers to be reluctant to discharge even the most problematic employees. But in Virginia, any reports of the demise of the doctrine of employment terminable “at will” are premature. Traditionally, employment has been presumed to be terminable at will by either party upon reasonable notice, with or without
Read MoreLawyers Not Immune to Scam
Lawyers are often called upon to safeguard their clients in individual cases, and also to help them develop defensive procedures. But as is often the case in many fields, lawyers are often less guarded in managing their own affairs than they are when handling clients’ business. Several years ago, a well-known Richmond law firm got
Read MorePolice Abuse Cases On the Rise
With police shootings seemingly gaining national publicity on a weekly basis, Virginia has not been on the sidelines for the civil lawsuits that sometimes spring from instances of police overreach. Federal civil rights suits against police have historically been difficult cases to prosecute, for several reasons. First, neither the police department nor the local government
Read MoreVirginia and the Nation’s Highest Court
Over the past year, Virginia has repeatedly found itself center stage before the United States Supreme Court. In notable cases including McDonnell v. US and Wittman v. Personhuballah, Virginia politics — and politicians — figure greatly, drawing national attention. In McDonnell, our former governor is appealing his convictions from his highly publicized influence peddling trial,
Read MoreNew Law Sends Many Business Disputes to Federal Courts
The new, federal Defend Trade Secrets Act went into effect May 11. Until the DTSA, the law governing claims alleging misappropriation of protected trade secrets was drawn from statutes in each of the states, leading to preliminary considerations as to which states’ laws might apply to a particular case and how those differing laws were
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